The Nominating Committee of the British Columbia Area Chapter of the ISCEBS would like to announce the nominees for the Chapter’s 2021 Board of Officers and Directors for election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the Chapter on November 19, 2020. The nominees for election are as follows:
President Natasha Norbjerg, CEBS HUB International Insurance Brokers
Vice-President Preet Pall, CEBS Montridge Advisory Group
Treasurer Peter Graham, CEBS HUB International Insurance Brokers
Secretary George Morin, CEBS RBC Royal Bank
Director Krishnaa Ramesh HUB International Canada West
Past President Meghan Vallis, CEBS Equitable Life
The Nominating Committee advises all Chapter members that we will accept additional nominations for the above-mentioned elected positions from any regular Chapter member. A statement from the nominated candidate indicating their willingness to serve must accompany the nomination. These additional nominations must be forwarded in writing to the current Chapter President, Meghan Vallis, no later than October 31, 2020.
If more than one member is nominated for any office, written ballots will be cast. The nominee for each office receiving the greatest number of votes, whether or not this represents a majority of all votes cast, will be declared the successful candidate. The elected Officers and Directors will assume their duties on January 1, 2021.
Please note that student associate members of the Chapter are not eligible to nominate, vote for, or hold any of the above-mentioned positions until they have passed at least one CEBS exam and become a member of the ISCEBS and a regular member of the Chapter. Once the student associate member has met these requirements, he/she may serve as a director but not a chapter officer.
The Nominating Committee would like to thank the 2020 Board of Officers and Directors for their service to the Chapter and congratulate them on the great work done this year.
We encourage all Chapter members to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, November 21, 2019.
If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee at [email protected]